Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mike: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Volume 1

I'm only beginning to read about the former Prime Ministers of Canada. I've had this book in my collection for a few years already, but only picked it up for the first time this week. This is volume one of a three volume set. I'll have to keep my eyes open in the used bookstores for volumes two and three because this book was so more than an overview of Lester. B. Pearson's early life and career as a diplomat. Pearson angles his memoir from a perspective which allows him to show his part in the growth of a distinct Canadian foreign policy and international autonomy. Volume 1 covers Pearson's life from 1897 until 1948. 

Not only did I enjoy the content of the book, but I enjoyed the format as well. It may be a paper-back, but it's a good quality paperback. It's a 1973 printing and it feels good in the hands. The paper is smooth and of good quality. Usually I don't comment very much, or at all, on my particular volume of a book, but something about this particular book hits a note with me. 

I hope other Canadian readers (or international readers) will track down a copy of Mike: The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson and, like I have, gain a picture of who Pearson was and what Canada's foreign relations experience was during this time period. 

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