Sunday, May 25, 2014

Year of the Heroic Guerrilla (Robert V. Daniels)

This 1989 publication by Robert V. Daniels only stretches about 250 pages, but Daniels manages to include Saigon, Paris, Peking, Prague, Chicago and more in his overview of the year 1968.

When I began to read this book, I was reminded of the 1977 French language documentary "Le Fond de l'air rouge," known in English as A "Grin Without a Cat." Oddly, having only seen about half the film well over a year ago, I spent a great deal of the time I was reading this book thinking about it. Pleasantly enough, I've found the complete film online and will soon see it all the way through (with subtitles to compensate for my meager knowledge of French). Like Year of the Heroic Guerrilla, "Grin Without a Cat," is an overview of revolution and protest.

Quite often books which focus on the 1960s put all, or most of their attention on the United States. Perhaps this is due to the nationality of the authors and publishing houses. Regardless, I was pleased with the content of this overview as it branched away from the United States and spent a great deal of its page space discussing movements and protests within other countries.

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