Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die: Musings from the Road, by Willie Nelson

Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die: Musings from the Road, by Willie Nelson

What a title. In reading the book I discovered that Roll Me Up And Smoke Me is the name of a song. I’m not sure about the saneness of this first half of the title, but the second part, Musings from the Road, makes a lot of sense. It’s like a quick biography written through the eyes of Willie Nelson himself, and through the eyes of his family. Willie Nelson’s life can be defined by the road, where he has spent a good deal of his life. The story of his life is the road.

The whole book is a concoction of song lyrics, awful jokes, memories written out by his family and friends, and Willie’s personal memories, as well as his opinions on many subjects like wars for oil, guns, the environment, and marijuana.

Every Willie Nelson fan knows about his history with pot. At one point in the book, Willie describes how he decided to quit smoking regular cigarettes because the smoke was bad for his lungs. Apparently he emptied a cigarette carton, rolled a bunch of joints and filled up the carton. Whenever he reached for a cigarette, he had a joint instead.

On page 114, before he quotes the lyrics to the song for which the book is titled, he shares his opinion on the legalization of marijuana: “If you make pot legal, and tax it and regulate it like alcohol and tobacco, you will stop the dealing on the borders and save thousands of lives!” I guess I can understand his point, but in my opinion pot’s not good for anybody. Willie says it’s natural, but in opposition, a lot of things are natural but that doesn’t mean they’re good for consumption. Besides, getting marijuana out of the picture for smuggling won’t stop the smuggling of other things.

Then there are his ideas on religion. He talks about karma, reincarnation and God like they go hand in hand. I don’t see eye to eye. Karma is bull and reincarnation is a fairy tale. That’s just the way I feel.

I may not agree with all of Willie Nelson’s ideologies, but I will say he’s one hell of a singer, a songwriter and a dedicated artist. I admire him for these things. 

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